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in the way or way indicated, described, or implied: Do it so.
in that or this manner or fashion; thus: So information technology turned out.
in society that (often followed by that): Check advisedly, so any mistakes will exist caught.
with the outcome that (often followed by that): He checked carefully, so that the mistakes were caught.
such as has been stated: to be skilful and stay and then.
something that is about or near the persons or things in question, as in number or amount: Of the original twelve, five or then remain.
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My grandmother ________ a wall full of antique cuckoo clocks.
Idioms about and so
Origin of and so
before 900; Middle English; Old English swā; cognate with Dutch zoo,High german so,Gothic swa
synonym report for so
usage note for so
5. The intensive so significant "very or extremely" ( Everything's then expensive these days ) occurs chiefly in informal voice communication. In writing and formal speech, intensive and then is most frequently followed by a completing that clause: Everything is so expensive that some families must struggle just to survive.
19, twenty. The conjunction then (often followed by that ) introduces clauses both of purpose ( Nosotros ordered our tickets early and then that nosotros could get expert seats ) and of result ( The river had frozen during the night so people walked across it all the side by side day ). In formal speech and writing, and then that is somewhat more common than and then in clauses of purpose. Otherwise, either so or and then that is standard.
Like and, but1 , and or, so can occur as a transitional give-and-take at the beginning of a sentence: And so all our hard work finally brought results. Encounter likewise every bit1, and, just1.
Words nearby then
snuggery, snuggies, snuggle, Snyder, snye, so, soak, soakage, soakaway, soaked to the skin, soakers
Other definitions for so (2 of 6)
Other definitions for so (iii of six)
Other definitions for so (4 of 6)
seller'south option.
shipping order.
Other definitions for so (5 of half-dozen)
Other definitions for and then (6 of half dozen)
Signal Officer.
Special Club.
Standing Gild. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Lexicon, © Random House, Inc. 2022
How to apply so in a judgement
British Dictionary definitions for so (1 of 5)
(foll past an adjective or adverb and a correlative clause frequently introduced by that) to such an extent the river is so dirty that it smells
(used with a negative; it replaces the outset equally in an equative comparing) to the same extent every bit she is not then old as y'all
conjunction (subordinating; often foll by that)
in order (that) to die so that y'all might live
with the consequence (that) he was tardily home, then that in that location was trouble
judgement connector
in consequence; hence she wasn't needed, so she left
used to introduce a sentence expressing resignation, amazement, or sarcasm so you're publishing a book!
Word Origin for so
Quondam English language swā; related to One-time Norse svā, Old High German language sō, Dutch zoo
usage for and so
In formal English, and so is not used equally a conjunction, to indicate either purpose (he left by a back door so he could avoid photographers) or upshot (the project was abased so his services were no longer needed). In the former case to or in order to should exist used instead, and in the latter case and so or and therefore would exist more acceptable. The expression so therefore should not be used
British Dictionary definitions for so (ii of 5)
music a variant spelling of soh
British Lexicon definitions for so (three of five)
the internet domain name for
British Dictionary definitions for so (4 of five)
abbreviation for
Somalia (international car registration)
British Dictionary definitions for so (five of v)
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with so
In addition to the idioms beginning with so
- so equally to
- so be it
- then far
- so far every bit
- and so far, so practiced
- and then help me
- soil one's hands
- sold on, be
- sold out
- so long
- so long equally
- so many
- and so much
- so much as
- and then much for
- so much the
- song and dance
- son of a bitch
- so that
- so to speak
- so what
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
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